Currently Reading


Currently, I have been reading Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson for my writing studies class. We have been reading this book in order to discuss genre in self-writing. This book has really resonated with me as a person who chooses to not discuss my personal struggles with anxiety. For once, I knew that the thoughts concerning social interactions, exhaustion from social interactions, refusing to answer the door bell and funny cat stories were not contained to me alone. While Jenny’s stories will often having you laughing out loud (in a good way), she does delve into her mental illnesses and how they have affected her life, but also how she deals with them and can overcome them. She has so much inspiration, but her inspiration is normalizing mental illness and explaining to us (her readers) that it’s okay to have our bad days, our depressed days, but emphasizes the fact that she has network of people when she needs someone to talk her down off the ledge. I find that Jenny’s writing is very genuine and I find myself identifying with her and her various situations.

Reading for me is a way to escape my world and enter someone else’s, but this book really made me reflect on my own life and interactions. It gave me some good advice on dealing with depression and anxiety while trying to be a good mother. This was unlike any book I’ve ever read and I am so glad that I read it, even if it was for a class. I highly suggest everyone read this book even if they have never experienced or understood depression and anxiety.

Author: dttljl1027

Post Bac. College Grad. Wife. Mom. PNW. Cats. Books. Always Behind in Laundry

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